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DL Series Hurricane-Rated Doors

Republic hurricane-certified doors and frames combine the strength of specially designed doors and frames with the trusted security of Allegion hardware. Impact and non-impact hurricane pressure resistant doors and ME/SE Series frames that meet certified listing approvals are designed to stand up to nature’s fiercest barrage of wind and water.

Hurricane assemblies are extensively tested in various product configurations to comply with key certification agencies for listing approved door assemblies for resistance to hurricane forces:

  • Florida Building Code (FBC) - uses HUR(I) DL/DE Impact and DP/DL/DE Non-Impact E330 doors with Allegion hardware
  • Miami-Dade (MD) is not specifically listed but uses FBC listings where HVHZ is specified
  • For TDI approved product, please contact your Allegion sales representative.


Listed Features and Benefits correspond to FBC requirements.  For questions on TDI, contact your local sales representative.

Strength, durability and ease of installation

  • A60 galvannealled steel for superior strength and resistance to corrosion
  • Standard 3/8" undercut to minimize water infiltration
  • Variety of core systems depending on series approved and chosen. Laminated to both steel faces, enhancing the structural integrity of the whole door
    • Honeycomb cell kraft honeycomb configuration increases structural integrity while reducing overall weight
    • Polystyrene (optional): enhanced thermal performance
    • Polyurethane (optional): extreme thermal performance
    • Mineral Board (optional): rigid, temperature rise control
    • Steel Stiffened (optional): welded hat sections
  • Full height lock side reinforcement channel (HUR-I Impact Series only) ensures structural stability and locking hardware functionality under extreme pressure conditions
  • Square edge design allows for non-handed inventory control in local distribution. Optional lock edge bevel 1/8" over 2" (~3˚)
  • Hinge and lock edges are reinforced with continuous 16 gauge steel channel the full height of the door, welded at a max 5" OC (optional 10 gauge hinge and 14 gauge lock channel with DE Series)
    • Universal standard/heavy weight hinges are used with hinge fillers to allow for easy modification from heavy to standard weight hinge preps
    • Standard visible edges may be filled seamless, intermittently stitch welded and filled, or continuously welded and filled
  • Top flush and bottom inverted channels provide excellent door stability with 16 gauge steel channels, projection welded at a max 2-1/2" OC
  • Various light and louver sizes are available with light kits standard (no glass unless noted)
  • Various embossed patterns available (impact 6-panel only)

Approvals and specified industry standards

  • Approval listings and installation instructions can be found on certified label agency websites
    • Florida Building Code (FBC)
      See below Ordering & Tools section for the FBC COACH Order Assistant and the FBC Approval LOOKUP tool. HUR(I) DL/DP Series Impact and DP/DL/DP E330 Non-Impact are included
    • Texas Department of Insurance (TDI): For TDI approved product, please contact your Allegion sales representative
    • Miami-Dade NOAs are not available although FBC HVHZ assemblies allow use in coastal regions including Miami-Dade, Broward, & Coastal Palm Beach. Verify with your architect or local AHJ

Ordering & Tools (Located in Hurricane Applications)

  • Republic’s Customer Order Assistant for Certified Hurricane, or COACH*, simplifies ordering FBC approved openings, allowing you to easily find approved products including listed assembly hardware. Additionally, Republic offers LOOKUP tools for approvals and for anchor selection. These resources can be found on the Hurricane page
  • Access Requirements, Wind Zone Maps and Risk Category of Buildings information
  • View FBC Offered Product, Technical Data and Specification Reference  

Exceeds industry standards

  • Republic is SDI Certified through regular audits to ensure manufacturing, performance and quality standards set by the Steel Door Institute
  • Overall door construction exceeds ANSI A250.8-2017 (SDI-100), the standard set by SDI specifying sizes, design, materials, construction, finishing and performance for standard commercial steel doors and frames
  • SDI Membership communicates compliance with industry standards including ANSI/SDI A250.8, ANSI/SDI A250.10 (Prime paint), ANSI UL 10C (Fire), UL 1784 (Air Leakage), ANSI/SDI A250.4 (Physical endurance), ANSI/SDI A250.6 (Hardware reinforcing), ANSI/SDI A250.3 (Finish coatings), ASTM A653 (Galv; All Tornado products are Galvanealled), ANSI A115 (Locations) and SDI 117 (Tolerances)
  • Doors meet the broadest fire rating requirements; they are listed for installations requiring compliance to both neutral pressure testing (ASTM E152 and UL-10B) and positive pressure standards (UL-10C)
  • Factory-applied baked-on rust inhibiting primer meets ANSI A250.10-2011

Typical applications

Commercial buildings in hurricane zones near the Atlantic coast, and Gulf of Mexico, as well as any high wind area

  • Impact door assemblies are required for wind-borne debris regions within one mile of the coastal high water line where FBC wind speed maps designate 130 mph or greater; also any areas designated > 140 mph
  • Non-impact door assemblies are required for all exterior openings not already labeled for impact and higher pressures, typically inland <130 mph wind zones (not only hurricane, but any high wind prone region)

Technical Data Guide

For more information, visit the Hurricane page.


 Fire Rated




Republic Technical Data Manual

Hurricane Doors & Frames

Allegion EHPA Tornado Systems Data Sheet

Grouting WS Strikes

FBC COACH User Guide

FBC COACH Order Form (Access)

FBC Lookup-Approvals (Excel)

FBC Lookup-Anchors (Excel)

Active Approval Listing Links

Right-click > Save As to download documents

To use excel lookups, click to open in browser, then File > save as > download a copy (open from your downloads folder)